Because with the right insurance protecting you, your staff, your shop and your customers, you can concentrate on the cutting, cropping and crafting you signed up for. Without any insurance worries interfering with your creativity.
Manchester Office
Cobac House,
14-16 Charlotte Street
Manchester M1 4FL
London Office
65 Leadenhall Street
Sharper insurance
designed exclusively
for barbers
The art of barbering, by its very nature, means you’re at the cutting edge. Not just when it comes to the kit you use, the techniques you need to master, or the things you need to do to make sure your shop design is as sharp as your scissors; but also when it comes to business essentials like insurance.
Perhaps not the most exciting part of the job. But something just as essential for every serious barber to own as a pair of scissors. And something you can protect yourself with at a price that’s a snip.
Because with the right insurance protecting you, your staff, your shop and your customers, you can concentrate on the cutting, cropping and crafting you signed up for. Without any insurance worries interfering with your creativity.
Whether you’re a busy barber shop, a freelance barber renting a chair, or on the road carrying out home visits, BarberGuard packs in some special features to cope with the unique demands of your trade.
Everything you need to trade safely and securely as a barber comes in one easy insurance bundle. BarberGuard provides full protection for work away from the shop and covers you for £5 million public liability should an accident occur.
Public Liability: £5million cover for your business if a member of the public gets hurt; or if their property is damaged in the course of you carrying out your business activities (where it’s proved you’ve been negligent).
Employers Liability: A legal obligation should you have any employees, covering any injuries they incur during the course of their employment where it’s proved you’ve been negligent.
Stock Cover: Stock levels vary for every barber. This covers you for any loss caused by an insured peril and enables you to replace the stock in the event of a claim.
Business Interruption: This covers the loss of income from being unable to work as a result of an insurable claim, such as fire, flood and storm.
You told us that most newly-trained barbers have to wait at least two years before being fully covered for providing cut-throat shaves. That’s why we include cover from day one* for cut throat shaving, giving keen newly-qualified barbers the opportunity to put their training into action from their very first day. Just don’t tell your customer.
Insurance that looks great for you,
your customers and your shop
What’s included:
What’s included:
What’s covered:
What’s covered:
Our Details
Manchester Office
Cobac House,
14-16 Charlotte Street
Manchester M1 4FL
London Office
65 Leadenhall Street
Sales & Enquiries
+44 (0) 161 236 3141
Bridge Insurance Brokers Limited, Cobac House, 14-16 Charlotte Street, Manchester, M1 4FL
Registered in England No. 996284. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Member of the British Insurance Brokers Association.
© 2025 Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd