Insurer Covid 19 updates – Travelers

Travelers updates

Travelers Update 25 January 2021

As we have previously advised to you, the concessions allowed by Travelers have now ceased and you need to advise your usual Bridge contact if any aspect of your risk or business has changed in anyway in response to the lockdown(s) imposed in response to the Covid-19 virus by the UK Government.

Further information on the type of information we need to be made aware was detailed in our letter of 11 November 2020 – a copy of which can be found by clicking here.

Travelers Update 30 June 2020

Update on Unoccupied Premises

Travelers have issued the following update in relation to the application of the unoccupancy conditions within your policy. Can you please read it carefully and if you are unsure as to the meaning of any aspect of their communication please speak to your usual contact at Bridge:

Travelers Insurance Company Limited (TICL) recognises that many of our customers have been forced to close or conduct only limited operations due to the unprecedented government directions in response to COVID-19.
For the purpose of applying the unoccupancy exclusions and conditions in our policies, TICL has decided not to count the days that a building is unoccupied solely because of government directions due to COVID-19. This decision will continue until the earlier of the following:

  • The date on which the government directions due to COVID-19 are lifted; or
  • 15 July 2020.

Please note that whether a building is unoccupied and the application of coverage depends on the facts and circumstances of each loss, all applicable policy provisions, and any applicable law.  It should also be noted that the decision to provide temporary relief from the application of unoccupancy exclusions and conditions does not extend to any other term or condition, and this decision does not amend, or otherwise affect, the provisions or coverages of any insurance policy issued by Travelers. Nor is it a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy.
Wherever reasonable, and where it is permissible within the government guidance, insureds should be proactive in protecting their properties.
With immediate effect this direction remains in place until 15 July 2020. Travelers will continue to monitor the situation and communicate any decisions to extend this direction after 15 July 2020.
Finally, please continue to notify Travelers when buildings are unoccupied as soon as it is reasonably possible to do so.
This information is to be used only to provide a description of how coverage may apply in relation to Coronavirus. This information does not amend, or otherwise affect, the coverage, terms or conditions of any policy.
This information is not a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy. Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy terms and conditions, and any applicable law.

Travelers update prior to 30 June 2020

We have been involved in in-depth discussions with a number of insurers over the arrangements of our clients’ policy in relation to the restrictions imposed by the UK Government in order to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Travelers have issued us with a formal guidance on Covid-19 in response to our our questions. We have summarised their guidance below.  

Policy Coverage

Travelers policy wordings in general follow the rest of the UK market in that the UK wide lockdown of premises, such as your own, isn’t a sufficient trigger for policy coverage. We appreciate that this will come as a disappointment, however this is largely the same position for the overwhelming majority of commercial insurance policies in the UK – not just for Travelers’ policies. However, we do urge you to check with your usual Bridge contact to clarify the position under your policy.

CLICK HERE to review Travelers position in full in respect of policy coverage for COVID-19.

Further information on the coverage that applies across a wide range of types of insurance contracts across the UK is available from the website of the Association of British Insurers:

Unoccupied Premises

Travelers recognises that many of you have been forced to close or conduct only limited operations due to the unprecedented government directions in response to COVID-19. Therefore, for the purpose of applying the unoccupancy exclusions and conditions in your policies, they have decided not to count the days that a building is unoccupied solely because of government directions due to COVID-19. This decision will continue until the earlier of the following:

•             The date on which the government directions due to COVID-19 are lifted; or

•             1 June 2020.

Please note that whether a building is unoccupied, and the application of coverage, depends on the facts and circumstances of each loss, all applicable policy provisions, and any applicable law.  It should also be noted that the decision to provide temporary relief from the application of unoccupancy exclusions and conditions does not extend to any other term or condition, and this decision does not amend, or otherwise affect, the provisions or coverages of any insurance policy issued by Travelers. Nor is it a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy.

Wherever reasonable, and where it is permissible within the government guidance, you should be proactive in protecting your properties.

With immediate effect this direction remains in place until 1 June 2020. Travelers will continue to monitor the situation and communicate any decisions to extend this direction after 1 June 2020.

Finally, please continue to notify Travelers , via your usual Bridge contact, when buildings are unoccupied which for reasons other than stated above.  

Please also note that If your premises were already unoccupied before the Covid-19 outbreak, and you are now unable to meet the terms of the unoccupied conditions in your policy due to the current restrictions, please get in touch with your usual Bridge contact as soon as possible so we can discuss the matter with Travelers and ensure that your current level of cover is maintained and any subsequent claim is not repudiated due to breach of these conditions.

Change in Risk

Travelers are aware that the majority of our clients will now have personnel working from home, changed operational, maintenance and housekeeping procedures or even adopted a change in their business description (for example to accommodate a takeaway/delivery service when ordinarily they trade as a restaurant or to manufacture equipment for the NHS). In respect of home working Travelers do not need to be notified but they have issued the following guidance:

“ We would draw attention to the condition relating to reasonable precautions which stipulates that insureds must take reasonable precautions to prevent injury/illness.  This would typically include complying with duties imposed on them by health and safety legislation regarding safeguarding the health and safety of their employees and members of the public in as far as is reasonably practicable.” If you believe you are unable to comply with this guidance then please speak to your usual contact at Bridge so we can agree any variation with Travelers

All other changes to your business description or activities undertaken need to be notified to Travelers. Can we please ask you to review your current business activities, maintenance, housekeeping and operational arrangements and speak to your usual Bridge contact about any changes that have happened so we can speak to Travelers and ensure you are correctly covered.

Capital Additions

Whilst Travelers are fully aware that a substantial number of our clients will have purchased significant amounts of additional IT and business equipment as you restructure your business operations they are not providing an automatic uplift in your policy cover to cater for this. Please review your sums insured and speak to your usual Bridge contact to advise us of any changes that may be required.

Policy Conditions and Warranties

We believe that Travelers expectation is for you to continue to comply with all policy terms, conditions and warranties (other than where provided for under temporarily unoccupied premises). We therefore ask you to contact us immediately if you are now unable to comply with any of the policy conditions or warranties as a result of the restrictions in place. We want to avoid the risk that Travelers could repudiate a future claim due to a failure to comply with the policy terms and conditions.


We made a request that for those of you whose policy is due for renewal during the period whilst restrictions from the UK Government remain in place that Travelers offer an automatic extension to your policy for a limited period of time. Whilst Travelers have not agreed to this they do appreciate that there may be disruption and they may be able to offer an extension on a case by case basis.

If your policy is due for renewal we will be in contact with you to conduct the renewal review and we can discuss any requirement for an extension.

Payment Holidays:

To ease the financial burden that many individuals and businesses are facing due to COVID-19, Travelers is providing payment relief for all UK and Ireland customers. Specifically, for policies that are cancellable for non-payment, they will suspend cancellation of coverage through to 15 May 2020, providing you with extra time to pay their premiums without risking cancellation.  If you are struggling then please email us at[email protected]  

If you pay your instalments through either Close Brothers or Premium Credit then both firms have advised us that they can show flexibility in your schedule of payments by offering limited payment holidays and extending the number of instalments. Both firms will consider each request on a case by case. In the first instance any such request must be made direct to them using the following contacts:

Premium Credit Limited:

Email:    [email protected] or[email protected]

Tel:        0344 736 9836 or 0330 123 9717

Close Brothers Limited:

Email:    [email protected]

Tel:        0333 321 8566 (Personal Lines)

               0333 321 8567 (Commercial)

If you pay for your premium up front then you may want to consider paying it by instalment via one of our Premium Finance partners to help manage your cash flow. If you are going to struggle to meet any payment deadline then it is important that you contact us as soon as possible so we can assist you.

Motor Fleet Policies

Travelers have that you will need to advise us if you intend to change the use the vehicles are normally used for, such as:

  • Voluntary work on behalf of the NHS Volunteer Responders or the Local Authority Community Help Hub arrangements.
  • Offering deliveries or takeaway services.

If your vehicles are laid up, SORN and kept off the public highway, please let us know and will approach Travelers to see if they can offer Laid UP cover and provide a discount off your premium.

Following the recent news that MOT’s due for renewal on or after 30th March 2020 have been extended by 6 months Travelers have confirmed they will still cover vehicles in the event that MOT requirements cannot be met due to conditions imposed from government restrictions. However, vehicles must continue to be maintained in a roadworthy condition.

Useful information

In these challenging and uncertain times we would like to reiterate that Bridge Insurance is deeply to committed to all our clients and we will continue to act in your best interests in these challenging times. We hope that the continued updates from the UK Government regarding financial assistance for business interruption due to the COVID19 pandemic, will prove of use to you.  You can find out more details about this by CLICKING THIS LINK.

Our accountants have produced a very helpful analysis and summary of the financial assistance available from the UK Government and this available to you by CLICKING THIS LINK.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of further assistance.

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